
When I was asked to speak to the WFWPI Webinar on Women Entrepreneurship - I dare to say I had the typical female feeling of inadequacy - thinking, I am not qualified, I am not good enough. I took the leap and determined to give what I had anyhow. I am glad I did. It is in giving that we receive. Take the leap. Find your worthy project. Volunteer your time.

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Women Entrepreneurship in Diaspora


See my contribution from 1:12:03

Learning by Doing

Facebook vlogging

Using easySpeak - add a speaker to the agenda

For Toastmasters using the EasySpeak club management tool: How to edit the agenda in easySpeak to add a speaker. Save as new template

How to delete an empty role from the Agenda in EasySpeak

If you get an error message to cancel assignments before deleting agenda item - it means you have to empty the field - take out the names of people who may have been prepared to take the role. Once you go to the top of the list where you can select all the members then you can delete the unneeded field in the agenda.

EasySpeak edu Comm

Intended for Area F2 and all others of Toastmasters in Division F District 109 - Austria. This is a plea to update easySpeak entries to facilitate communication channels available to reach club officers and their members with one email clicking a button. The names need to be entered into the system. I can help you. Please send me the names after I get the access rights. Please add me as easySpeak Support on your Area and Division Level.

Toastmasters Club Officers in EasySpeak

Educational video for VPE on how to add a committee member to the Executive Committee and how to assign permissions on EasySpeak
