Educational Videos 

Choose your theme and join us on our learning curve. Times change. We change. Our needs change. Our technology is constantly changing. Follow the course of our growth and lessons in social media.. It is never too late. In fact you can learn something new everyday. You only fail when you give up! You may be the cog in the wheel that supports a key player in the turn of events. Do not despair. Perhaps your theme is already here. Perhaps you are the one to turn the key for the door to open to the next level.

What's your passion? 


Cruise back in time, select a topic - and just be astounded at how quickly things can change! 

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Video Share and Edit

How to edit a video with Video Editor from Microsoft, the follow-up program of Movie Maker. How to upload a video as a channel manager. Please note that the icons of the user and group are hidden under the presenter video. You need to watch carefully to get what is being referred to.For personal training 

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Resonance in Golden Goddess Circle with Joy Martina

Joy Martina has meditation meetings in German and English and addresses pertinent issues supporting women in confidence building and self development.

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What is True Parents United Nations?

When asked to address a small growing community of believers in Slovenia, this is what I had to say

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Black Swan

I grew up in Australia where black swans are on the lakes and ponds, in the botanical gardens and anywhere else you could find water bird life. I never heard of this use of the terminology as it was introduced to a Toastmasters meeting at the UN.

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Boycott the internet but forget YouTube

Serious considerations for a corporate closed Toastmasters club about social media applications, advantages and disadvantages
