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 Mentoring for World Peace


This is the place where passionate world changers get inspirted, motivated and centred on building a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values

This is where you can follow my NGO activities and get inspired by what women do as volunteers because they believe in a cause.

Here is where you can find some of my tekky educational videos about how to... Facebook.... EasySpeak ...

This is where the WFWP Social Media Team can review past meetings.

Follow Me

If you want to be a leader you need to be prepared to have others follow you. If you know what you want then follow somebody who already has it. Click here for a catalogue of my educational videos. I believe in learning by doing. Perhaps I've already discovered something you really want to know. There just may be something here for you.


Social Media Team

Team building, networking, learning by doing, inspiring one another. We are an intergenerational team of passionate women who know we can really make a difference.

What have we learned?

Where have we been?

Where do we want to go?


Get Informed

Find out who's working at the United Nations.

What qualifications do they have? Where do they come from? How did they get to the United Nations? How can I get a dream job at the UN? Do I have to be an academic to work for the UN? Can I travel with the UN? What about my family? 

Book a free consultation call.

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