Team Meetings 

Social Media Team of WFWP EUME began meeting in October 2022, after the IAFLP International Association of First Ladies for Peace webinar. With a team of young dynamic ladies, Lilly Gundacker leads this intergenerational team since October 2022. Meeting virtually once a week is a good start. Where does it go from here?

Watch the Replays

Did you miss the Social Media Team meeting? Catch up here!

Predictability, reliability, regularity. What do you want from a team you contribute to? Clear goals? Motivation. Accountability. Reasonable expectations. A solo meeting in a team setting. When you have four volunteers who are all roped in, busy, ambitious, capable, compassionate women. On the way to paving the road, step by step, mile by mile, week-by-week.

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WFWP Executive Team Meeting

Consideration of Social Media Team Proposal by the European WFWP Executive team members. Watch from 1:16:00.


Kefilwe and Lilly meet


Social Media Team Meeting

How often can we meet? Who can do what? What commitment can I make?


Kefilwe and Lilly meet

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Nancy joins from Lebanon

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Inaugural meeting for WFWP EUME Social Media Team
